Consent Preferences


by Dee Eppright

We can learn much from our colleagues in our other offices. On the last day of a visit to the Honolulu office from Manila, Sandro Amano took time to lead us in a 30-minute Zumba class.
Sandro was here working with our Honolulu Civil team to strengthen the relationships between our Manila and Hawaii offices by getting to know one another, professionally and personally. Sandro’s been teaching Zumba in Manila for more than 10 years. I recently joined the Strategic Services Group as a Project Coordinator. I’ve also been a Zumba instructor for over a decade. While Sandro led most of the class, I joined in to teach a song. Without workout clothes, but wanting to join in on the fun, a number of enthusiastic participants joined in or watched from their seats in the lunchroom. The class was a great way to break up the day, dance, sweat a little, and have fun! There’s interest in having more Zumba so hopefully we’ll schedule something similar soon, and possibly rotate activities (Zumba, yoga, etc.) every six weeks. Suggestions are welcome.


by Dee Eppright
We can learn much from our colleagues in our other offices. On the last day of a visit to the Honolulu office from Manila, Sandro Amano took time to lead us in a 30-minute Zumba class.
Sandro was here working with our Honolulu Civil team to strengthen the relationships between our Manila and Hawaii offices by getting to know one another, professionally and personally. Sandro’s been teaching Zumba in Manila for more than 10 years. I recently joined the Strategic Services Group as a Project Coordinator. I’ve also been a Zumba instructor for over a decade. While Sandro led most of the class, I joined in to teach a song. Without workout clothes, but wanting to join in on the fun, a number of enthusiastic participants joined in or watched from their seats in the lunchroom. The class was a great way to break up the day, dance, sweat a little, and have fun! There’s interest in having more Zumba so hopefully we’ll schedule something similar soon, and possibly rotate activities (Zumba, yoga, etc.) every six weeks. Suggestions are welcome.