Consent Preferences
the succulent challenge by Kyle Komoda

In August, the Honolulu Office launched a 6-week pilot program: The Succulent Challenge! The program is aimed at greening up the office space and creating a natural connection between the space and its people. Oahu staff members were invited to adopt a potted succulent to care for and nurture in their office spaces. Adopters are encouraged to post pictures to Kudoboard of their succulent for different weekly challenges. With a variety of succulents to choose from, adopters must learn about their plant species’ needs to grow and thrive. Many participants set up grow lights at their desks and a few group nurseries have sprung up too!

Check out the kudoboards for weeks 1, 2, & 3:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

The Succulent Challenge

by Kyle Komoda

In August, the Honolulu Office launched a 6-week pilot program: The Succulent Challenge! The program is aimed at greening up the office space and creating a natural connection between the space and its people. Oahu staff members were invited to adopt a potted succulent to care for and nurture in their office spaces. Adopters are encouraged to post pictures to Kudoboard of their succulent for different weekly challenges. With a variety of succulents to choose from, adopters must learn about their plant species’ needs to grow and thrive. Many participants set up grow lights at their desks and a few group nurseries have sprung up too!

Check out the kudoboards for weeks 1, 2, & 3:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3