The Game of SSFM

SSFM’s Honolulu office hosted three University of Hawai‘i programs who are fostering the next generation of STEM leaders. Led by Civil Group’s Sara Nakagaki, our staff volunteers hosted “The Game of SSFM” featuring SSFM projects with trivia from all our disciplines, along with action cards that mimic the wins, challenges, and daily activities of a typical SSFM staff member. Through the game, participants were introduced to our culture in a way that let them imagine themselves working at our firm! Mahalo to PAC-STEP, the UH College of Engineering Junior Engineers Summer STEM Experience (JESSE), and the Native Hawaiian Science & Engineering Mentorship Program for visiting!
The Game of SSFM

SSFM’s Honolulu office hosted three University of Hawai‘i programs who are fostering the next generation of STEM leaders. Led by Civil Group’s Sara Nakagaki, our staff volunteers hosted “The Game of SSFM” featuring SSFM projects with trivia from all our disciplines, along with action cards that mimic the wins, challenges, and daily activities of a typical SSFM staff member. Through the game, participants were introduced to our culture in a way that let them imagine themselves working at our firm! Mahalo to PAC-STEP, the UH College of Engineering Junior Engineers Summer STEM Experience (JESSE), and the Native Hawaiian Science & Engineering Mentorship Program for visiting!