The study indicates that the deaths are disproportionately high when considering the breakdown of how many cyclists and pedestrians are actually on the road compared to other users. – Ground Zero study
SSFM Studies Big Island Traffic Fatalities

SSFM recently completed a study that brought to light the 110 fatal traffic collisions that occurred between 2013-2017 on the Big Island. With the data obtained we created crash maps to identify the most problematic areas for all users of the roads. Approximately 27 crash maps were created, highlighting the importance of protecting vulnerable users on all roadways. The Vision Zero Task Force, created in February 2019, hopes to use the data to create action plans to combat this fatal and dangerous issue. Read more about how the data will be used in action plans moving forward.
SSFM Studies Cycling Fatalities

SSFM recently completed a study that brought to light the 110 fatal traffic collisions that occurred between 2013-2017 on the Big Island. With the data obtained we created crash maps to identify the most problematic areas for all users of the roads. Approximately 27 crash maps were created, highlighting the importance of protecting vulnerable users on all roadways. The Vision Zero Task Force, created in February 2019, hopes to use the data to create action plans to combat this fatal and dangerous issue. Read more about how the data will be used in action plans moving forward.