Consent Preferences

Full-Tuition Scholarship for the University of Guam

SSFM International has endowed a new scholarship for civil engineering students at the University of Guam. The firm’s $31,300 contribution will fund the full cost of tuition and fees for an eligible student each academic year, and will include a paid internship in the firm during their senior year. SSFM has been a part of Guam’s professional engineering community since establishing its office here in 2005. The 60 year old firm is headquartered in Hawaii and has had a long time presence throughout the Pacific region.

SSFM enjoys especially strong ties to the communities where they work and live and has a long history of financial support for education. “As a community partner on Guam, SSFM’s commitment to UOG’s engineering program and the education of our young adults is an investment in Guam’s future,” said Michael P. Matsumoto, SSFM’s president and CEO.

The SSFM International Engineering Scholarship is accepting applications now through June 5 through the UOG Endowment Foundation at Applicants must be full-time students in the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree program and already have 45 credit hours completed toward their degree.
“We are so thrilled with the very generous scholarship and internship SSFM International is making available to our civil engineering majors. It will ultimately help build our local capacity in the engineering profession,” said Anita Borja Enriquez, senior vice president and provost at UOG. “We look forward to wonderful outcomes through this special partnership.”

Leadership from SSFM International and the University of Guam. (From left) Ujwalkumar D. Patil, assistant professor of civil engineering at UOG; Rizaldy Cortez, general manager; Gerard Bautista, senior manager; Joe Duenas, Pacific region manager, all three with SSFM International; John W. Jenson, director of the UOG Water & Environmental Research Institute; Thomas W. Krise, president of UOG; Michael P. Matsumoto, president and CEO of SSFM; Anita Borja Enriquez, senior vice president and provost at UOG; Ed Hipolito, senior project manager for SSFM; and Katrina Perez, executive director of the UOG Endowment Foundation.

Full-Tuition Scholarship for the University of Guam

SSFM International has endowed a new scholarship for civil engineering students at the University of Guam. The firm’s $31,300 contribution will fund the full cost of tuition and fees for an eligible student each academic year, and will include a paid internship in the firm during their senior year. SSFM has been a part of Guam’s professional engineering community since establishing its office here in 2005. The 60 year old firm is headquartered in Hawaii and has had a long time presence throughout the Pacific region.

SSFM enjoys especially strong ties to the communities where they work and live and has a long history of financial support for education. “As a community partner on Guam, SSFM’s commitment to UOG’s engineering program and the education of our young adults is an investment in Guam’s future,” said Michael P. Matsumoto, SSFM’s president and CEO.

The SSFM International Engineering Scholarship is accepting applications now through June 5 through the UOG Endowment Foundation at Applicants must be full-time students in the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree program and already have 45 credit hours completed toward their degree.
“We are so thrilled with the very generous scholarship and internship SSFM International is making available to our civil engineering majors. It will ultimately help build our local capacity in the engineering profession,” said Anita Borja Enriquez, senior vice president and provost at UOG. “We look forward to wonderful outcomes through this special partnership.”

Leadership from SSFM International and the University of Guam. (From left) Ujwalkumar D. Patil, assistant professor of civil engineering at UOG; Rizaldy Cortez, general manager; Gerard Bautista, senior manager; Joe Duenas, Pacific region manager, all three with SSFM International; John W. Jenson, director of the UOG Water & Environmental Research Institute; Thomas W. Krise, president of UOG; Michael P. Matsumoto, president and CEO of SSFM; Anita Borja Enriquez, senior vice president and provost at UOG; Ed Hipolito, senior project manager for SSFM; and Katrina Perez, executive director of the UOG Endowment Foundation.