ssfm and tiny houses

“Ever since I was 5 years old and watched my father build an addition to our home, I’ve been fascinated by the way structures come together.” That’s how Amy Taniguchi explains one of the factors that inspired Hawaii’s Tiny House Design Challenge 8 years ago.
The annual competition challenges island wide high schools and colleges to plan, program, design and model or build a home that can be constructed for a fictional $100,000 budget. Students team within their schools, working throughout the year to create their Tiny House solutions. Prior to covid, the constructed homes were showcased on the grounds of the State Capitol. That opportunity has not yet been reestablished but the program continues to receive enthusiastic support from area schools. SSFM and a cadre of professional and industry partners, offer guidance and support. The schools determine how to orchestrate the program within their curriculum. At the end of the school year, they present their finished homes to a panel of experts.

“Since the inception of the Tiny House program, I continue to be amazed at the student’s commitment, the quality of planning and design, and the excellence of the solutions” says Amy. “We conceived the program as a way to focus attention on Hawaii’s critical housing shortage and affordability, and a way to consider environmental factors through design. The homes far exceed any expectations we had for the competition and we’re especially gratified by the impact the program has had on introducing students to all aspects of the building professions.”
The results of our 2023 Tiny House Design Challenge competition are in. This annual competition challenges state wide high schools and colleges to plan, program, design and model or build a home that can be constructed for a fictional $100,000 budget. Students team within their schools, working throughout the year to create their Tiny House solutions.
The winners are:
Challenge Category 1: Half-Scale Model – Waipahu High School
Challenge Category 2: Sales Video – Waipahu High School
Challenge Category 3: Architectural Model – Honolulu Community College A.E.C. Program
Special thanks go to our panel of judges, Deputy Director Bryan Gallagher of the City and County of Honolulu Department of Design and Construction; Project Manager Jaren Kunishige of Ralph S. Inouye Co Ltd; Junior Interior Designer Marie Dominguez from Architects Hawai‘i Limited (AHL) and Melissa May AICP, Senior Planner, Associate and Resilience Practice Leader at SSFM International.
SSFM has sponsored the Tiny House Design Challenge from its inception. It has been an important part of our continuing commitment to education.
About Tiny House Design Challenge

The annual competition challenges island wide high schools and colleges to plan, program, design and model or build a home that can be constructed for a fictional $100,000 budget. Students team within their schools, working throughout the year to create their Tiny House solutions. Prior to covid, the constructed homes were showcased on the grounds of the State Capitol. That opportunity has not yet been reestablished but the program continues to receive enthusiastic support from area schools. SSFM and a cadre of professional and industry partners, offer guidance and support. The schools determine how to orchestrate the program within their curriculum. At the end of the school year, they present their finished homes to a panel of experts.

“Since the inception of the Tiny House program, I continue to be amazed at the student’s commitment, the quality of planning and design, and the excellence of the solutions” says Amy. “We conceived the program as a way to focus attention on Hawaii’s critical housing shortage and affordability, and a way to consider environmental factors through design. The homes far exceed any expectations we had for the competition and we’re especially gratified by the impact the program has had on introducing students to all aspects of the building professions.”
The winners are:
Challenge Category 1: Half-Scale Model – Waipahu High School
Challenge Category 2: Sales Video – Waipahu High School
Challenge Category 3: Architectural Model – Honolulu Community College A.E.C. Program
Special thanks go to our panel of judges, Deputy Director Bryan Gallagher of the City and County of Honolulu Department of Design and Construction; Project Manager Jaren Kunishige of Ralph S. Inouye Co Ltd; Junior Interior Designer Marie Dominguez from Architects Hawai‘i Limited (AHL) and Melissa May AICP, Senior Planner, Associate and Resilience Practice Leader at SSFM International.
SSFM has sponsored the Tiny House Design Challenge from its inception. It has been an important part of our continuing commitment to education.
About Tiny House Design Challenge