Consent Preferences


Although our Islands’ homes are surrounded by water, it is a most precious resource. 



Although our Islands’ homes are surrounded by water, it is a most precious resource. 

SSFM is totally immersed in the management and processing of water, from the facilities that make it potable, store and distribute it, to the systems that dispose or recycle it.

SSFM is totally immersed in the management and processing of water, from the facilities that make it potable, store and distribute it, to the systems that dispose or recycle it.

Miscellaneous Wastewater Structural Projects

Sand Island Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall Improvements/Rehabilitation

Preliminary Engineering Report for the Naalehu and Pahala Sewer Systems
Hawaii State Hospital Water System Improvements

Waimea Nui Homestead Community Agricultural Park Non-Potable Water System

Reservoir Security Fencing

Keehi Small Boat Harbor, Wastewater Pump Station and Force Main

Ocean Outfall at the Fort Kamehameha Wastewater Treatment Plant

Sinajana Agana Water Systems Modeling

North Kona Expansion Area

Honouliuli Water Reclamation Facility Improvements

Restoration of the Sand Island Wastewater Treatment Plant and Barber’s Point Ocean Outfalls