Consent Preferences

State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation

Honolulu, Hawaii

Urban & Community Development

Statewide Transportation Plan Update

Job STP 1-900-PLAN

The Hawaii Statewide Transportation Plan (HSTP) is a policy level effort to formulate an Island wide multi-modal transportation plan. The plan is comprised of 3 volumes and an executive summary:

Volume I “Making Connections” identifies 8 goals and objectives including a description of socio-economic, land use and regulatory issues that affect transportation, and a review of data system and financial systems for airports, harbors and highways.

Volume 2 includes ten Emerging Issue Papers: Impact of Federal Transportation Planning Regulations; Climate Change and Sea Level Rise; Aging Population and Transportation; Fuel and Energy Scenarios in Hawaii; Land Use Planning; Planning and Design; Transportation Security; System Preservation and Asset Management; Financial Scenarios; and Environmental Coordination.

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Volume 3 includes forecast reports and a summary of Public Involvement Activity completed during plan preparation. Important to this effort was to assessing the framework for current planning, how well it is working, and recommendations for improving transportation planning throughout the State of Hawaii. The HSTP also examined approaches to performance measurement and incorporating prioritization matrices in transportation decision making.

A coordination and outreach plan ensured that the final HSTP was the result of extensive coordination at multiple levels. Financial officers and planners from the divisions within HDOT were involved in all steps. Federal, state, and county agencies were consulted and involved. Major stakeholders and facility users and lessees participated in workshops and document review and the public at large was engaged through five island-wide workshops. The HSTP was signed by the Governor and Director of Transportation.

Statewide Transportation Plan Update

Job STP 1-900-PLAN

The Hawaii Statewide Transportation Plan (HSTP) is a policy level effort to formulate an Island wide multi-modal transportation plan. The plan is comprised of 3 volumes and an executive summary:

Volume I “Making Connections” identifies 8 goals and objectives including a description of socio-economic, land use and regulatory issues that affect transportation, and a review of data system and financial systems for airports, harbors and highways.

Volume 2 includes ten Emerging Issue Papers: Impact of Federal Transportation Planning Regulations; Climate Change and Sea Level Rise; Aging Population and Transportation; Fuel and Energy Scenarios in Hawaii; Land Use Planning; Planning and Design; Transportation Security; System Preservation and Asset Management; Financial Scenarios; and Environmental Coordination.

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Volume 3 includes forecast reports and a summary of Public Involvement Activity completed during plan preparation. Important to this effort was to assessing the framework for current planning, how well it is working, and recommendations for improving transportation planning throughout the State of Hawaii. The HSTP also examined approaches to performance measurement and incorporating prioritization matrices in transportation decision making.

A coordination and outreach plan ensured that the final HSTP was the result of extensive coordination at multiple levels. Financial officers and planners from the divisions within HDOT were involved in all steps. Federal, state, and county agencies were consulted and involved. Major stakeholders and facility users and lessees participated in workshops and document review and the public at large was engaged through five island-wide workshops. The HSTP was signed by the Governor and Director of Transportation.

Services Provided

State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation

Honolulu, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets
Urban & Community Development