Consent Preferences

Services Provided
Civil Engineering

US Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Central Federal Lands Highway Div.

Waikoloa, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets

Saddle Road – West Side

Hawaii State Route 200/Saddle Road required 10 miles of reconstruction to meet modern design standards for rural arterials, and to provide safer travel and adequate capacity to accommodate future growth. Reconstruction includes 10.3 miles of 2-lane highway that begins at MP 42 and continues to its tie into SR 190/Mamalahoa Highway. The project also includes improvements to SR 190/Mamalahoa Highway with the addition of auxiliary turn lanes for the new Saddle Road connection. Three 12-foot-wide lanes with 8-foot-wide shoulders, a 1000 feet climbing lane, an 8-foot-wide paved firebreak with asphalt curbs, 2.5 miles of firebreak fence and the addition of auxiliary turn lanes for the new Saddle Road connection at SR 190/Mamalahoa Highway.

SSFM was the project manager and provided civil, structural engineering and hydraulic engineering, surveying, and mapping. We prepared all plans, specifications and cost estimates.

Saddle Road – West Side

Hawaii State Route 200/Saddle Road required 10 miles of reconstruction to meet modern design standards for rural arterials, and to provide safer travel and adequate capacity to accommodate future growth. Reconstruction includes 10.3 miles of 2-lane highway that begins at MP 42 and continues to its tie into SR 190/Mamalahoa Highway. The project also includes improvements to SR 190/Mamalahoa Highway with the addition of auxiliary turn lanes for the new Saddle Road connection. Three 12-foot-wide lanes with 8-foot-wide shoulders, a 1000 feet climbing lane, an 8-foot-wide paved firebreak with asphalt curbs, 2.5 miles of firebreak fence and the addition of auxiliary turn lanes for the new Saddle Road connection at SR 190/Mamalahoa Highway.

SSFM was the project manager and provided civil, structural engineering and hydraulic engineering, surveying, and mapping. We prepared all plans, specifications and cost estimates.

Services Provided
Civil Engineering

US Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Central Federal Lands Highway Div.

Waikoloa, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets