Consent Preferences
Project Management
Civil Engineering

City & County of Honolulu,
Board of Water Supply

Island of Oahu, Hawaii


Reservoir Security Fencing

Security fencing around the Maakua Well, Manoa Chlorinator, Kapunahala 272 Reservoir, and Pearl City 1050 Reservoir sites as well as the the Haiku Stairs entailed civil engineering services to design and prepare plans, specifications, cost estimates and permits.

The wells and reservoir required replacement of the chain link fence around the BWS sites with high security fencing. The fencing at the Haiku Stairs prevents unauthorized hikers from accessing the trail. SSFM provided a performance based solution wherein the fence installer is responsible for meeting the enclosure requirements.

Reservoir Security Fencing

Security fencing around the Maakua Well, Manoa Chlorinator, Kapunahala 272 Reservoir, and Pearl City 1050 Reservoir sites as well as the the Haiku Stairs entailed
civil engineering services to design and prepare plans, specifications, cost estimates and permits.

The wells and reservoir required replacement of the chain link fence around the BWS sites with high security fencing. The fencing at the Haiku Stairs prevents unauthorized hikers from accessing the trail. SSFM provided a performance based solution wherein the fence installer is responsible for meeting the enclosure requirements.

Services Provided
Project Management
Civil Engineering

City & County of Honolulu,
Board of Water Supply

Island of Oahu, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets