Consent Preferences


There are many ways SSFM helps when clients need to construct or renovate their business environments. Integrating our services can contribute at every stage of design and construction.



There are many ways SSFM helps when clients need to construct or renovate their business environments. Integrating our services can contribute at every stage of design and construction.

Structural and civil engineering support architectural programs, and our construction management services assure that facilities are built right. We collaborate with architects and allied professionals or when total oversight is needed, our project managers assume responsibilities from start to finish. We are versed in LEED and design-build programs. With over six decades of experience in all types of vertical construction, our strength is our versatility.

Structural and civil engineering support architectural programs, and our construction management services assure that facilities are built right. We collaborate with architects and allied professionals or when total oversight is needed, our project managers assume responsibilities from start to finish. We are versed in LEED and design-build programs. With over six decades of experience in all types of vertical construction, our strength is our versatility.

West Hawaii Civic Center

Small Business Incubator Building

First Hawaiian Bank Kailua Branch

Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

Joint Traffic Management Center and Emergency Operations Center

Data Center Okinawa, Japan

HSTA Moanalua Office Building

Joint Operation And Support Complex

Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies