Services Provided
County of Hawaii Dept. of Environmental Management
North Kona, Hawaii
Project Type – Markets
North Kona Improvement District
In the early 2000s, several large tracts of public and private lands were in development or planned for growth extending from Kealakehe to Kohanaiki and encompassing approximately 5,600 acres. This region is along North Kona’s coastline which is home to valuable unique marine resources and pristine shoreline park properties. Since current sewer master plans were over 20 years old at the time, the County of Hawai‘i anticipated the need to improve the region’s municipal sewer system and recycled water system with the adoption of Council Resolution No. 129-03 in December 2003. The Resolution called for the Department of Environmental Management to develop an implementation plan for an improvement district. The plan would ultimately address the necessity, feasibility, boundaries, estimated costs, and desirable method of financing to provide sewer system improvements.
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As part of the initial phase for the North Kona Improvement District Project, SSFM prepared the North Kona Sewer Master Plan Summary Report to identify future sewer improvements necessary to serve projected development in the region. SSFM provided project management, planning, and engineering services to identify specific current and future development projects to the study year of 2025, project future wastewater flows, and define necessary infrastructure improvements along with implementation recommendations. The major tasks conducted in developing the sewer master plan include the following:
1. Researched and reviewed existing sewer plans, as-built drawings, land use entitlements, and other references.
2. Inventoried existing land uses within the study area to establish “baseline” conditions.
3. Identified and consulted with major landowners and developers to obtain information on future development plans within the study area.
4. Established future land uses within the study area for the year 2025 along with increment years (2015 and 2020), and projected flows on a per capita basis.
5. Identified necessary sewer system improvements, developed three (3) alternative plans, and provided an opinion of probable construction costs, including an assessment of Kealakehe Wastewater Treatment Plant’s full capacity utilization.
6. Held a public informational meeting to solicit input on preliminary findings associates with this master plan.
7. Developed the preferred alternative for sewer improvements, and refined cost estimates.

North Kona Improvement District
In the early 2000s, several large tracts of public and private lands were in development or planned for growth extending from Kealakehe to Kohanaiki and encompassing approximately 5,600 acres. This region is along North Kona’s coastline which is home to valuable unique marine resources and pristine shoreline park properties. Since current sewer master plans were over 20 years old at the time, the County of Hawai‘i anticipated the need to improve the region’s municipal sewer system and recycled water system with the adoption of Council Resolution No. 129-03 in December 2003. The Resolution called for the Department of Environmental Management to develop an implementation plan for an improvement district. The plan would ultimately address the necessity, feasibility, boundaries, estimated costs, and desirable method of financing to provide sewer system improvements.
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As part of the initial phase for the North Kona Improvement District Project, SSFM prepared the North Kona Sewer Master Plan Summary Report to identify future sewer improvements necessary to serve projected development in the region. SSFM provided project management, planning, and engineering services to identify specific current and future development projects to the study year of 2025, project future wastewater flows, and define necessary infrastructure improvements along with implementation recommendations. The major tasks conducted in developing the sewer master plan include the following:
1. Researched and reviewed existing sewer plans, as-built drawings, land use entitlements, and other references.
2. Inventoried existing land uses within the study area to establish “baseline” conditions.
3. Identified and consulted with major landowners and developers to obtain information on future development plans within the study area.
4. Established future land uses within the study area for the year 2025 along with increment years (2015 and 2020), and projected flows on a per capita basis.
5. Identified necessary sewer system improvements, developed three (3) alternative plans, and provided an opinion of probable construction costs, including an assessment of Kealakehe Wastewater Treatment Plant’s full capacity utilization.
6. Held a public informational meeting to solicit input on preliminary findings associates with this master plan.
7. Developed the preferred alternative for sewer improvements, and refined cost estimates.
Services Provided
County of Hawaii Dept. of Environmental Management
North Kona, Hawaii
Project Type – Markets