Consent Preferences
Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering

City & County of Honolulu
Department of Transportation Services

Honolulu, Hawaii


Middle Street Intermodal Facility

SSFM provided civil engineering and structural engineering services for this major transportation hub project that involved the development for a regional intermodal center and consolidated Handi-Van facilities on a 9.15-acre site located on Middle Street between North King Street and Kamehameha Highway, adjacent to and makai of the existing Kalihi-Palama Bus Facility.

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Phase 1A consisted of building and site demolition, construction of site utilities and other site work. The construction of Handi-Van parking areas, security fencing and retaining walls were also included in this phase.

Phase 1B consisted of construction of site utilities and other site work for the Maintenance / Repair / Administration Building. Civil engineering services included clearing, grubbing and site grading for the Maintenance/Repair/Administration building. It also included providing domestic and fire protection service, domestic wastewater connection from the public sewer, conducting a site drainage study and providing a drainage collection system for the building roof drains, preparing an erosion control plan, reviewing flood zone requirements, preparing NPDES Permit Application, calculations, and exhibits, providing civil and structural engineering input for the preparation of a feasibility study to include a walkway along Kalihi Street and conducting quality assurance audits.

Phase 2 included the construction of parking for the Diamond Head Bus Platform and
additive alternative for a comfort station.

Phase 3 included the construction of a 300 stall automated parking structure.

Middle Street Intermodal Facility

SSFM provided civil engineering and structural engineering services for this major transportation hub project that involved the development for a regional intermodal center and consolidated Handi-Van facilities on a 9.15-acre site located on Middle Street between North King Street and Kamehameha Highway, adjacent to and makai of the existing Kalihi-Palama Bus Facility.
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Phase 1A consisted of building and site demolition, construction of site utilities and other site work. The construction of Handi-Van parking areas, security fencing and retaining walls were also included in this phase.

Phase 1B consisted of construction of site utilities and other site work for the Maintenance / Repair / Administration Building. Civil engineering services included clearing, grubbing and site grading for the Maintenance/Repair/Administration building. It also included providing domestic and fire protection service, domestic wastewater connection from the public sewer, conducting a site drainage study and providing a drainage collection system for the building roof drains, preparing an erosion control plan, reviewing flood zone requirements, preparing NPDES Permit Application, calculations, and exhibits, providing civil and structural engineering input for the preparation of a feasibility study to include a walkway along Kalihi Street and conducting quality assurance audits.

Phase 2 included the construction of parking for the Diamond Head Bus Platform and
additive alternative for a comfort station.

Phase 3 included the construction of a 300 stall automated parking structure.

Services Provided
Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering

City & County of Honolulu
Department of Transportation Services

Honolulu, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets