Structural Engineering
Civil Enineering
Construction Management
State of Hawaii, Department of Education
Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii
Maui Lani Elementary School
Civil engineering services for the Maui Lani Elementary School included demolition of existing facilities, clearing and grubbing and site grading for driveways, paved parking lots, building play court and courtyard area and layouts for three parking lots. The layouts provided for landscape areas and walkways with pathways in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Civil engineering addressed driveway design and sidewalk layout details, retaining walls and grade separation structures and three new driveway aprons for the future extension of Kamehameha Avenue. Solutions provide for domestic and fire protection water service from the proposed waterline and allows for a domestic wastewater connection from the proposed sewer line. SSFM also conducted a site drainage study and plans for a drainage collection system for the driveways, paved parking lot, play court, courtyard area, building roof drains to the proposed catch basins and drain lines in Kamehameha Avenue. Other services included review of flood zone requirements and the preparation of erosion control plans for on-site grading, two NPDES permit applications, existing conditions plan, boring logs and as-built drawings.
All work met an extremely accelerated schedule date with construction documents completed in less than 6 weeks.

Maui Lani Elementary School
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All work met an extremely accelerated schedule date with construction documents completed in less than 6 weeks.
Services Provided
Structural Engineering
Civil Enineering
Construction Management
State of Hawaii, Department of Education
Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii
Project Type – Markets