Consent Preferences

Kukuihaele Park Improvements

Improvements to Kukuihaele Park included a comfort station, pavilion, a perimeter jogging path, play-ground, and a replacement basketball court. The project includes improved site access, ADA walkways and sidewalks, additional parking areas, and retaining walls. The effective teamwork between SSFM as Prime Consultants, the County and Contractor resulted in a beautiful community park.

Kukuihaele Park Improvements

Improvements to Kukuihaele Park included a comfort station, pavilion, a perimeter jogging path, play-ground, and a replacement basketball court. The project includes improved site access, ADA walkways and sidewalks, additional parking areas, and retaining walls. The effective teamwork between SSFM as Prime Consultants, the County and Contractor resulted in a beautiful community park.

Services Provided
Project Management
Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering

County of Hawaii, Department of Parks & Recreation

Kukuihaele, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets
Site Development