Consent Preferences

Services Provided
Traffic Engineering

County of Hawaii, Dept. of Public Works

Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets

Kapiolani Street Extension

SSFM provided traffic engineering and traffic signal design services for the proposed extension of Kapi’olani Street from Lanikã ula Street to Mohouli Street in Hilo on the island of Hawaii. A Traffic Impact Analysis Report was completed in support of an Environmental Assessment. The project included the construction of designated pedestrian and bicycle facilities, providing connectivity to a stretch of road adjacent to multiple schools. Traffic signals were designed at the intersection of the new road and the existing cross streets.

Kapiolani Street Extension

SSFM provided traffic engineering and traffic signal design services for the proposed extension of Kapi’olani Street from Lanikã ula Street to Mohouli Street in Hilo on the island of Hawaii. A Traffic Impact Analysis Report was completed in support of an Environmental Assessment. The project included the construction of designated pedestrian and bicycle facilities, providing connectivity to a stretch of road adjacent to multiple schools. Traffic signals were designed at the intersection of the new road and the existing cross streets.

Services Provided
Traffic Engineering

County of Hawaii, Dept. of Public Works

Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets