Consent Preferences
Civil Engineering

State of Hawaii
Department of Transportation, Highways

Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii

Highways, Roads and Bridges

Kalanianaole Highway Improvements in Waimanalo Phase 1

Olomana Golf Course to Poalima Street

Roadway improvements along Kalanianaole Highway from Olomana Golf Course to Poalima Street included road widening to provide a two-way left turn lane, left turn pockets, paved shoulders, concrete curbs and gutters, sidewalks and an equestrian path. SSFM’s planning and engineering services involved right-of-way acquisition, slope stabilization, roadway reconstruction, resurfacing, retaining structures, driveway adjustments, electrical relocations, safety and drainage improvements, landscaping and other related improvements.

SSFM prepared the PS&E, soils engineering and pavement justification report, drainage report, highway lighting, utility relocation, traffic signal improvements, traffic management plan, traffic control plans in conformance with latest MUTCD, as well as  preparing BMP’s and all necessary permits and clearances. Coordination with utility agencies, DCAB, affected property owners and attending Public Informational Meetings were a part of the scope.

Kalanianaole Highway Improvements in Waimanalo Phase 1

Olomana Golf Course to Poalima Street

Roadway improvements along Kalanianaole Highway from Olomana Golf Course to Poalima Street included road widening to provide a two-way left turn lane, left turn pockets, paved shoulders, concrete curbs and gutters, sidewalks and an equestrian path. SSFM’s planning and engineering services involved right-of-way acquisition, slope stabilization, roadway reconstruction, resurfacing, retaining structures, driveway adjustments, electrical relocations, safety and drainage improvements, landscaping and other related improvements.

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SSFM prepared the PS&E, soils engineering and pavement justification report, drainage report, highway lighting, utility relocation, traffic signal improvements, traffic management plan, traffic control plans in conformance with latest MUTCD, as well as  preparing BMP’s and all necessary permits and clearances. Coordination with utility agencies, DCAB, affected property owners and attending Public Informational Meetings were a part of the scope.

Services Provided
Civil Engineering

State of Hawaii
Department of Transportation, Highways

Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets
Highways, Roads and Bridges