Consent Preferences

Services Provided
Construction Management

tate of Hawaii, Dept. of Transportation, Harbors Division

Honolulu, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets

Hawaii Department of Transportation

Honolulu Piers 34-35 Rehabilitation and Improvement
SSFM provided professional services necessary to perform construction management, project documentation and inspection services for this waterfront project that included the rehabilitation of building and yard areas at Piers 34-35 and building improvements at Pier 35.

Hawaii Department of Transportation

Honolulu Piers 34-35 Rehabilitation and Improvement
SSFM provided professional services necessary to perform construction management, project documentation and inspection services for this waterfront project that included the rehabilitation of building and yard areas at Piers 34-35 and building improvements at Pier 35.

Services Provided
Project Management,
Civil and Structural Engineering

County of Hawaii, Department of Parks & Recreation

South Kona, HI

Project Type
Site development and infrastructure, buildings