With over 60 years of experience in providing professional services in the region, establishing a physical presence in Guam was a logical strategic decision. Over the past few years, the geo-political tensions in the Pacific have created an even more robust need for planning and engineering services. Our Guam office allows us to readily fulfill our client’s needs.
—Michael Matsumoto President/CEO
With over 60 years of experience in providing professional services in the region, establishing a physical presence in Guam was a logical strategic decision. Over the past few years, the geo-political tensions in the Pacific have created an even more robust need for planning and engineering services. Our Guam office allows us to readily fulfill our client’s needs.
—Michael Matsumoto President/CEO

Guam Island-wide Bridge Inspection Services

Guam International Airport Authority Runway Rehabilitation Project

Chuuk International Airport Runway, Taxiway, and Apron Rehabilitation

Umatac-Merizo Wastewater Treatment Plant

Guam Cultural Repository

Route 3 Design Services

Baza Gardens Wastewater Pumping & Conveyance System

In addition to our diverse projects on Guam, we are especially active in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia. On Guam, we continue to work with public agencies including the Guam International Airport, the Department of Public Works and the Guam Waterworks and our public projects entail landmark government capital improvement programs like the Guam Museum, the Guam Cultural Repository and Route 3.

We are Island Experts. Indigenous projects are fundamental to our island locations. Working to preserve their indigenous customs and places is paramount to our practice. We we’re honored to assist Guam Cultural Repository, a first-of-its-kind, specialized climate-controlled, facility for storing archaeological objects that have been unearthed during development on Guam. The Repository was authorized by U.S. Congress as a collaboration of the Department of Defense, the Guam Buildup Office, the Office of the Governor, the University of Guam, and the Department of Chamorro Affairs.
A significant portion of our Guam Office services are dedicated to supporting the U.S. Department of Defense in developing and maintaining their extensive infrastructure needs at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam Naval Station and the new Marine Corps Base. We have dedicated DOD project managers on Guam and also bring engage the considerable capabilities and services of the entire firm.

Every SSFM location enjoys especially strong ties to the communities we serve. This is especially true of our support of local educational programs, institutions and students. As our investment in Guam’s future, SSFM annually endows two student scholarships and internships at the University of Guam School of Engineering that fund full tuition and fees for the recipients.

Educational Leadership from SSFM International and the University of Guam. (From left) Ujwalkumar D. Patil, assistant professor of civil engineering at UOG; Rizaldy Cortez, SSFM; Gerard Bautista, senior manager; Joe Duenas, Pacific region manager; John W. Jenson, director of the UOG Water & Environmental Research Institute; Thomas W. Krise, president of UOG; Michael P. Matsumoto, president and CEO of SSFM; Anita Borja Enriquez, senior vice president and provost at UOG; Ed Hipolito, senior project manager for SSFM; and Katrina Perez, executive director of the UOG Endowment Foundation.