Consent Preferences
Structural Engineering
Construction Management
Civil Engineering

State of Hawaii
Department of Education,
Facilities Development Branch

State of Hawaii


DOE Whole School Classroom Renovations

Various Schools in the Molokai, Hawaii, Kauai and Maui Districts

The State of Hawaii Department of Education enlisted SSFM for project management and construction management services for 29 whole school renovation projects on Molokai (2 schools), Maui (8 schools), Big Island (15 schools), and Kauai (4 schools). The range of improvements includes interior and exterior painting; replacement of flooring, windows and doors; marker and tack boards; a variety of carpentry repairs; and restoration of restrooms.

DOE Whole School Classroom Renovations

Various Schools in the Molokai, Hawaii, Kauai and Maui Districts

The State of Hawaii Department of Education enlisted SSFM for project management and construction management services for 29 whole school renovation projects on Molokai (2 schools), Maui (8 schools), Big Island (15 schools), and Kauai (4 schools). The range of improvements includes interior and exterior painting; replacement of flooring, windows and doors; marker and tack boards; a variety of carpentry repairs; and restoration of restrooms.

Services Provided
Structural Engineering
Construction Management
Civil Engineering

State of Hawaii
Department of Education,
Facilities Development Branch

State of Hawaii

Project Type – Markets