Consent Preferences

Services Provided
Strategic Services

City & County of Honolulu,
Department of Transportation Services
Complete Streets Program

Honolulu, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets
Highways, Roads and Bridges

Complete Streets, Liliha Street and Nuuanu Avenue Study

Planning and development for this Honolulu neighborhood included traffic counts at fourteen intersections, formation of a project Advisory Group, walking audits, traffic analysis, stakeholder meetings, public meetings, collection of survey data, environmental documentation, and formulation of recommendations that incorporate Complete Streets concepts.

Complete Streets, Liliha Street and Nuuanu Avenue Study

Planning and development for this Honolulu neighborhood included traffic counts at fourteen intersections, formation of a project Advisory Group, walking audits, traffic analysis, stakeholder meetings, public meetings, collection of survey data, environmental documentation, and formulation of recommendations that incorporate Complete Streets concepts.

Services Provided
Strategic Services

City & County of Honolulu,
Department of Transportation Services
Complete Streets Program

Honolulu, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets
Highways, Roads and Bridges