Consent Preferences
Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering

City & County of Honolulu
Department of Environmental Services

Halawa, Hawaii


Collection System Maintenance Building Yard Facility Building Expansion

SSFM provided civil and structural engineering services for the two story 2250 sq.ft. addition to the existing Collection System Maintenance building. The City’s CSM department had outgrown its facility and needed office space and an assembly area. Civil engineering services included the demolition and removal of existing structures from the site, wheel stops, and signs. Design efforts consisted of the reconstruction of the existing ac pavement for the parking area. Structural engineering services included the design of the two story addition, structurally independent of the existing building.

Collection System Maintenance Building
Yard Facility Building Expansion

SSFM provided civil and structural engineering services for the two story 2250 sq.ft. addition to the existing Collection System Maintenance building. The City’s CSM department had outgrown its facility and needed office space and an assembly area. Civil engineering services included the demolition and removal of existing structures from the site, wheel stops, and signs. Design efforts consisted of the reconstruction of the existing ac pavement for the parking area. Structural engineering services included the design of the two story addition, structurally independent of the existing building.

Services Provided
Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering

City & County of Honolulu
Department of Environmental Services

Halawa, Hawaii

Project Type – Markets