Consent Preferences

Climate Resilience

Climate Resilience

Hawaii’s population and infrastructure are concentrated along its vulnerable coastline. Increased exposure to coastal erosion, rising sea levels, frequent flooding, and other impacts of climate change creates difficult choices with vast social and environmental repercussions. Governments and agencies in Hawaii are confronting the daunting challenges in planning for future investments in infrastructure with decisions that require awareness of existing hazards, where and when impacts may occur, feasibility of mitigation and adaptation options, and the economic and social costs of implementation. SSFM’s planning services for climate adaptation involve strategically evaluating hazard risk and developing and analyzing feasibility of local and regional solutions, always with the engagement of key stakeholders and the public.

Hawaii’s population and infrastructure are concentrated along its vulnerable coastline. Increased exposure to coastal erosion, rising sea levels, frequent flooding, and other impacts of climate change creates difficult choices with vast social and environmental repercussions. Governments and agencies in Hawaii are confronting the daunting challenges in planning for future investments in infrastructure with decisions that require awareness of existing hazards, where and when impacts may occur, feasibility of mitigation and adaptation options, and the economic and social costs of implementation. SSFM’s planning services for climate adaptation involve strategically evaluating hazard risk and developing and analyzing feasibility of local and regional solutions, always with the engagement of key stakeholders and the public.