Consent Preferences
Project Management
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering

NAVFAC Pacific

Finegayan, Guam


Central Fuel Station Joint Region Marianas

SSFM provided review and validation of the Draft Final Activity DD1391 and prepared theProgram Final Region FEC DD1391 including considerations from all disciplines.A team charrette provided conceptual layout of the facilities addressing architectural, civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, geotechnical, LID, LEED, environmental, and cost considerations.

Services included performing a site engineering, utilities and historical environmental investigations. Located on an approximately 3.2 acre parcel the facilities include a 1,550 sq.ft. administration building, 60,000 gallons of fuel storage, 8 fuel pumps and a back-up generator building. SSFM provided project management, civil and structural engineering, and led a multi-discipline team of architects, cost estimators, mechanical engineering, geotechnical, environmental, and electrical engineering.

Central Fuel Station Joint Region Marianas

SSFM provided review and validation of the Draft Final Activity DD1391 and prepared theProgram Final Region FEC DD1391 including considerations from all disciplines.A team charrette provided conceptual layout of the facilities addressing architectural, civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, geotechnical, LID, LEED, environmental, and cost considerations.
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Services included performing a site engineering, utilities and historical environmental investigations. Located on an approximately 3.2 acre parcel the facilities include a 1,550 sq.ft. administration building, 60,000 gallons of fuel storage, 8 fuel pumps and a back-up generator building. SSFM provided project management, civil and structural engineering, and led a multi-discipline team of architects, cost estimators, mechanical engineering, geotechnical, environmental, and electrical engineering.
Services Provided
Project Management
Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering

NAVFAC Pacific

Finegayan, Guam

Project Type – Markets