Consent Preferences

Stacey D.K. Miyamoto PMP
Senior Principal
Structural Engineering Group
Small Business Compliance Officer


Project Management is a core service that cuts across all of our disciplines.

Whether stewarding the successful implementation of an entire project, or coordinating the complexity of work within any of our services, project management is crucial to effective project delivery. PM101, was developed by our Senior Managers as a crash course in how to be a great SSFM project manager. Offered three times a year, PM101’s purpose is two-fold—to grow talent internally and to standardize SSFM’s brand of executing project management. We offer the curriculum to: 

* Any PM joining the company. 
* Any engineer or planner assuming greater responsibility on projects.
* Any employee recommended to attend by their group manager.
* New Project Coordinators so they understand how they can help support the PMs.

PM 101 is offered as our needs arise and when we have at least 3 people who will attend. Recently, the course has been conducted in the first and second quarters with a 3rd class in the fall. The course is 8 sessions, or longer if a class is large group with many questions. We are flexible to ensure participants understand why things are done the SSFM way. Knowing without understanding
is a waste of resources.

Teaching to SSFM’s PM Creed

We coordinate project requirements, bring together a skilled team and successfully deliver a quality product on time, within scope and on budget. The project needs to meet the needs and goals of the Client and SSFM.


Project Management is a core service that cuts across all of our disciplines.

Whether stewarding the successful implementation of an entire project, or coordinating the complexity of work within any of our services, project management is crucial to effective project delivery. PM101, was developed by our Senior Managers as a crash course in how to be a great SSFM project manager. Offered three times a year, PM101’s purpose is two-fold—to grow talent internally and to standardize SSFM’s brand of executing project management. We offer the curriculum to:  * Any PM joining the company.
* Any engineer or planner assuming greater responsibility on projects.
* Any employee recommended to attend by their group manager.
* New Project Coordinators so they understand how they can help support the PMs.
PM 101 is offered as our needs arise and when we have at least 3 people who will attend. Recently, the course has been conducted in the first and second quarters with a 3rd class in the fall. The course is 8 sessions, or longer if a class is large group with many questions. We are flexible to ensure participants understand why things are done the SSFM way. Knowing without understanding is a waste of resources.

Teaching to SSFM’s PM Creed

We coordinate project requirements, bring together a skilled team and successfully deliver a quality product on time, within scope and on budget. The project needs to meet the needs and goals of the Client and SSFM.

Stacey D.K. Miyamoto PMP
Senior Principal
Structural Engineering Group
Small Business Compliance Officer