Consent Preferences

Peace Poles on the Big Island

Each September 21st the world observes the International Day of Peace. Established in 1981 by a United Nations resolution, Peace Day is a time for humankind to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. Over 200,000 Peace Poles throughout the world serve as symbols of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family and stand vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth. Each multi-sided Peace Pole bears the message ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’, usually in multiple languages.
In our own community, we embrace these aspirations with our own placement of Peace Poles. The Rotary Clubs of Hawaii Island are installing eleven new Peace Poles around the island on this Peace Day. SSFM’s Jo-Anna Herkes, a member of the Hilo Rotary, and the entire SSFM team, congratulate everyone involved in this celebration of peace.
Read about the Peace Poles of Hawai’i.

Peace Poles on the Big Island

Each September 21st the world observes the International Day of Peace. Established in 1981 by a United Nations resolution, Peace Day is a time for humankind to commit to peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. Over 200,000 Peace Poles throughout the world serve as symbols of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family and stand vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth. Each multi-sided Peace Pole bears the message ‘May Peace Prevail on Earth’, usually in multiple languages.
In our own community, we embrace these aspirations with our own placement of Peace Poles. The Rotary Clubs of Hawaii Island are installing eleven new Peace Poles around the island on this Peace Day. SSFM’s Jo-Anna Herkes, a member of the Hilo Rotary, and the entire SSFM team, congratulate everyone involved in this celebration of peace.
Read about the Peace Poles of Hawai’i.