Consent Preferences
Maui Relief by Rachael Han

“On Wednesday, September 6, 14 employees from SSFM’s Honolulu Office used their community PTO hours to sort and organize donations at the Maui Relief Storage Warehouse where supplies are received, sorted, and stored until transported to Maui for distribution.

I came across this volunteering opportunity on Instagram when searching for ways to help. However, the warehouse was only open during business hours. Many in our office have connections to Maui and have been searching for ways to get involved. I realized volunteering at the Maui Relief Storage Facility could be a good use of SSFM’s community PTO hours. Our Telling Our Story Resilience Team announced the program at our August staff meeting. The event was met with enthusiasm.

Upon arrival at the warehouse, we were directed to containers with bags and boxes to be unpacked, and instructed to verify the contents, repack, label, and load the boxes onto pallets. We sorted bedding, blankets, towels and clothing. Despite the hot and stuffy warehouse, our desire to contribute to the relief effort motivated us. The Maui tragedy is deeply heart wrenching and leaves many of us feeling helpless, but observing the community’s commitment to contribute and assist leaves me awestruck. Our participation at the PTO volunteering event, a generous SSFM financial contribution, and the Donation Drive to the Maui Relief Storage Facility currently being organized by the office, makes me very proud to be working at a company that understands and embodies kuleana.

Maui Relief

by Rachael Han

On Wednesday, September 6, 14 employees from SSFM’s Honolulu Office used their community PTO hours to sort and organize donations at the Maui Relief Storage Warehouse where supplies are received, sorted, and stored until transported to Maui for distribution.

The annual competition challenges island wide high schools and colleges to plan, program, design and model or build a home that can be constructed for a fictional $100,000 budget. Students team within their schools, working throughout the year to create their Tiny House solutions. Prior to covid, the constructed homes were showcased on the grounds of the State Capitol. That opportunity has not yet been reestablished but the program continues to receive enthusiastic support from area schools. SSFM and a cadre of professional and industry partners, offer guidance and support. The schools determine how to orchestrate the program within their curriculum. At the end of the school year, they present their finished homes to a panel of experts.

Upon arrival at the warehouse, we were directed to containers with bags and boxes to be unpacked, and instructed to verify the contents, repack, label, and load the boxes onto pallets. We sorted bedding, blankets, towels and clothing. Despite the hot and stuffy warehouse, our desire to contribute to the relief effort motivated us. The Maui tragedy is deeply heart wrenching and leaves many of us feeling helpless, but observing the community’s commitment to contribute and assist leaves me awestruck. Our participation at the PTO volunteering event, a generous SSFM financial contribution, and the Donation Drive to the Maui Relief Storage Facility currently being organized by the office, makes me very proud to be working at a company that understands and embodies kuleana.