Consent Preferences

Celebrating National Community Planning Month

Throughout October, the American Planning Associaion (APA) is celebrating National Community Planning Month. It’s a chance to recognize all that the planning profession does to improve the well-being of people throughout the world with safer, resilient, more equitable, and more prosperous communities. SSFM supports the APA and is honored to be part of the team that received APA’s 2019 prestigious Daniel Burnham Award for the General Plan Update for the County of Kauai. The award recognizes excellence in comprehensive planning. SSFM also recently received two APA Hawaii Chapter’s awards for projects that exemplify the planning profession’s highest goals and ideals.

Hawaii Chapter Awards:
APA Award 2019 Transportation
APA Award 2019 Best Practice Award 2019

American Planning Association

Celebrating National Community Planning Month

Throughout October, the American Planning Associaion (APA) is celebrating National Community Planning Month. It’s a chance to recognize all that the planning profession does to improve the well-being of people throughout the world with safer, resilient, more equitable, and more prosperous communities. SSFM supports the APA and is honored to be part of the team that received APA’s 2019 prestigious Daniel Burnham Award for the General Plan Update for the County of Kauai. The award recognizes excellence in comprehensive planning. SSFM also recently received two APA Hawaii Chapter’s awards for projects that exemplify the planning profession’s highest goals and ideals.

SSFM Planning