Consent Preferences


SSFM ADOPTS-A-HIGHWAY Adopt-A-Highway – you’ve seen the signs everywhere. SSFM has adopted its very own roadway to love and care for. And ours is not just any stretch of pavement. It’s two-miles along Honolulu’s waterfront, where the Nimitz Highway morphs into...
The Game of SSFM

The Game of SSFM

CONTACT US The Game of SSFM SSFM’s Honolulu office hosted three University of Hawai‘i programs who are fostering the next generation of STEM leaders. Led by Civil Group’s Sara Nakagaki, our staff volunteers hosted “The Game of SSFM” featuring SSFM projects with trivia...
With Help from Our Friends

With Help from Our Friends

CONTACT US With Help from Our Friends SSFM’s Cheryl Soon has published her second book, Statues, Monuments and Memorials on Hawaii, Kauai, And Molokai. Cheryl received valuable input in identifying her subjects from many sources, not the least of which came from her...
Structural Group Waffle House Wars!

Structural Group Waffle House Wars!

CONTACT US Structural Group Waffle House Wars! THE STRUCTURAL GROUP BROUGHT THE HEAT… OF THE WAFFLE IRON TO THE HONOLULU OFFICE IN THE FIRST-EVER SSFM WAFFLE HOUSE BUILDING CONTEST. Using lego-shaped waffles three structural teams from the Honolulu and Manila offices...