The Game of SSFM

The Game of SSFM

CONTACT US The Game of SSFM SSFM’s Honolulu office hosted three University of Hawai‘i programs who are fostering the next generation of STEM leaders. Led by Civil Group’s Sara Nakagaki, our staff volunteers hosted “The Game of SSFM” featuring SSFM projects with trivia...
Supporting the Ronald McDonald House

Supporting the Ronald McDonald House

CONTACT US Supporting the Ronald McDonald House Each year, SSFM takes the opportunity to honor and support the work of Ronald McDonald House Charities. Their humanitarian services for Hawaii and the Pacific Rim through their “Home-Away-From-Home” program, has been a...
SSFM and Tiny Houses

SSFM and Tiny Houses

CONTACT US ssfm and tiny houses  “Ever since I was 5 years old and watched my father build an addition to our home, I’ve been fascinated by the way structures come together.” That’s how Amy Taniguchi explains one of the factors that inspired...
Commitment to Education

Commitment to Education

CONTACT US Commitment to Education Members from UH Manoa’s Chi Epsilon paid a visit to our Honolulu office for a learning session and pizza. The gathering was part of SSFM’s ongoing commitment to education and to strengthening our relationship with UH’s engineering...
Pacific Southwest Student Symposium

Pacific Southwest Student Symposium

CONTACT US Pacific Southwest Student Symposium University of Hawaii, Manoa’s delegates to the ASCE Pacific Southwest Symposium The American Society of Civil Engineers recently held their 2023 Pacific Southwest Symposium at California State University, Northridge. SSFM...