SSFM International received four American Planning Association awards garnering a National Honor for Planning Excellence and three APA Hawai’i Chapter awards.
The awards recognize individuals, communities, private organizations, public agencies, and professional planning and design firms whose work exemplifies the planning profession’s highest goals and ideals. SSFM’s award winning projects for include:

County of Kauaʻi Sea Level Rise Constraint District

County of Kauaʻi Sea Level Rise
Contraint District
Resilience and Sustainability / Best Practice:
County of Kauaʻi Sea Level Rise Constraint District
(National and Hawaiʻi Chapter Award)
Specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process that demonstrates how innovative and state-of-the-art planning methods and practices help create communities of lasting value.
The County of Kaua‘i created a Kauai‘i Sea Level Rise Viewer and established design standards to support the development of a new Sea Level Rise Constraint District within its zoning code. The new standards are intended to mitigate impacts to new development from project annual high wave run-up and passive flooding related to sea level rise (SLR). The District is a proactive approach to community resilience that, in conjunction with shoreline setback rules and other land use regulations, aims to minimize the threat to public health and safety, promote resilient planning and design, and reduce public money for costly flood control projects necessitated by accelerating SLR.

North Shore Coastal Resilience Working Group
Community Based Planning:
North Shore Coastal Resilience Working Group
(Hawaiʻi Chapter Award)
Recognizes a citizen-based and/or initiated planning effort that establishes and enhances a sense of awareness of a community’s character, values, and aspirations.
The North Shore Coastal Resilience Working Group is the first community-driven effort of its kind in Hawai‘i. Diverse public and private stakeholders joined in discussions about climate resilience and the future of climate adaptation and coastal management on the North Shore. Blending technical, regulatory and community perspectives, the process established community-supported recommendations to advance plans, policies, and solutions that increase coastal resilience and educate the community.

DHHL General Plan Update
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL)
General Plan Update
(Hawaiʻi Chapter Award)
Outstanding Planning for a project, process, or program that exemplifies excellence in planning.
The DHHL General Plan update establishes the first statewide land use framework for DHHL lands, which are not subject to County zoning or State Land Use Designations. The plan seeks to create a land use framework aligned with the Trust’s mission to be responsive to beneficiary needs and reflective of Hawaiian values, while attuned to existing County and State plans and land use designations. The plan incorporates planning considerations and best practices including climate resilience, housing affordability, sustainability, equity, community health, and economic opportunity.

The American Planning Association has recognized SSFM International for one of only four National Awards for Planning Excellence, and for three of the ten APA Hawai’i Chapter 2023 honors.
The awards recognize individuals, communities, private organizations, public agencies, and professional planning and design firms whose work exemplifies the planning profession’s highest goals and ideals. SSFM’s award winning projects for 2023 include:

County of Kauaʻi Sea Level Rise Constraint District

County of Kauaʻi Sea Level Rise
Contraint District
Resilience and Sustainability / Best Practice:
County of Kauaʻi Sea Level Rise Constraint District
(National and Hawaiʻi Chapter Award)
Specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process that demonstrates how innovative and state-of-the-art planning methods and practices help create communities of lasting value.
The County of Kaua‘i created a Kauai‘i Sea Level Rise Viewer and established design standards to support the development of a new Sea Level Rise Constraint District within its zoning code. The new standards are intended to mitigate impacts to new development from project annual high wave run-up and passive flooding related to sea level rise (SLR). The District is a proactive approach to community resilience that, in conjunction with shoreline setback rules and other land use regulations, aims to minimize the threat to public health and safety, promote resilient planning and design, and reduce public money for costly flood control projects necessitated by accelerating SLR.

North Shore Coastal Resilience Working Group
Community Based Planning:
North Shore Coastal Resilience Working Group
(Hawaiʻi Chapter Award)
Recognizes a citizen-based and/or initiated planning effort that establishes and enhances a sense of awareness of a community’s character, values, and aspirations.
The North Shore Coastal Resilience Working Group is the first community-driven effort of its kind in Hawai‘i. Diverse public and private stakeholders joined in discussions about climate resilience and the future of climate adaptation and coastal management on the North Shore. Blending technical, regulatory and community perspectives, the process established community-supported recommendations to advance plans, policies, and solutions that increase coastal resilience and educate the community.

DHHL General Plan Update
Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) General Plan Update
(Hawaiʻi) Chapter Award)
Outstanding Planning for a project, process, or program that exemplifies excellence in planning.
The DHHL General Plan update establishes the first statewide land use framework for DHHL lands, which are not subject to County zoning or State Land Use Designations. The plan seeks to create a land use framework aligned with the Trust’s mission to be responsive
to beneficiary needs and reflective of Hawaiian values, while attuned to existing County and State plans and land use designations. The plan incorporates planning considerations and best practices including climate resilience, housing affordability, sustainability, equity, community health, and economic opportunity.